
The Complexity and Energy of Life

A tree is a tree and a bird is a bird. At first glance, everything is simple. However, as the eye travels across these compositions, it sees a rich, complex tapestry of color and multi-layered texture that energizes each work.

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Every World Has a Story

This group of paintings entices you to enter their world. Each of these pieces was buried – collected and compounded under layers of muraled events and each tells a different story. The complexity and composition of the materials allows this story to unfold in an endless set of variations. What one person might see could be totally different from what the person standing next to them might see.

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Anyone who has looked at a finely cut jewel can tell you that there is endless fascination and beauty in small things. What is often overlooked is that this applies to paintings as well. It is amazing how much variety and interest can be created through composition and color confined to a small area. Created using found materials as a starting point, this is a group of urban extractions with dimensions under 24”. They are composed specifically to exist as either singular pieces or in groupings.

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